Friday, September 20, 2024


Moussa, Barzani discuss next Arab summit

ARBIL / Arab League Secretary General, Amr Moussa, said on Monday that he discussed with President Massoud Barzani of Kurdistan the ongoing preparations for holding the coming Arab summit in Baghdad. Moussa’s statements came after his meeting with President Barzani in Salah al-Din resort. “There will be more talks and consultations before the summit and I will come back again to consult with the president,” Moussa told reporters after the meeting. The Arab League chief praised the economic and constructional movement in Kurdistan, asserting that he congratulated President Barzani on “this great development in the region”. Regarding targeting Christians, Moussa said “we condemn all terrorist acts against Christians and we are concern over their condition.” For his part, President Barzani underlined on the importance of Moussa’s visit to Kurdistan, saying “it represents evidence over Arab League’s interest and its support.” The Arab diplomat left Arbil heading for Baghdad after the meeting, according to a media source in Kurdistan. Moussa had met on Monday with Shiite leader Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani for talks on the latest Iraqi developments. Moussa termed as “wise” Sistani’s views as regards the current situation and Iraq‘s relations with the Arab and Islamic world. The Arab League believes that reconciliation is the key to Iraq‘s future, he said. Moussa arrived in Baghdad on Saturday on a three-day visit. SH (S) 127