Saturday, September 21, 2024


Najaf’s Petro-dollar 2010 revenues reached 6.4 billion (b) Iraqi Dinars

BAGHDAD / The Petro-dollar revenues from southwest Iraq‘s holy city of Najaf in 2010 have reached 6 billion (b) and 470 million Iraqi Dinars, a statement by the Central Iraq‘s Refineries Company said on Monday, pointing out that the production of Najaf’s Refinery had contributed greatly in increasing the revenues. “Najaf Province’s revenues from the Petro-dollar in the year 2010 had reached 6 billion and 470 million Iraqi Dinars,” the statement, issued by the Company’s Najaf Director, Laith al-Azzawi said. “Te increase in production percentages by Najaf Refinery had shared greatly in rising those revenues,” he added He said that Najaf Refinery had had produced 5 millions and 483,000 barrels in 2010, achieving the said revenues. Iraq‘s previous Parliament had passed a law, according to which every oil-producing province would get one US dollar for each barrel of oil produced or refined by that province. “The increase in Najaf Refinery‘s production in 2010 had shared greatly in increasing the revenues of the the Refinery, along with preventing a crisis in oil products in the Province,” Azzawi said. Najaf Refinery‘s Administration had announced last week that the year 2010 had witnessed an 80 percent increase in its production, compared with 2009. MD (A) / SKH/SR 179