Saturday, September 21, 2024


Vatican’s Ambassador in Iraq says: “We found our message in Kirkuk.”

KIRKUK / The Vatican’s Papal Ambassador in Iraq and Jordan, Rev. Georgio Lingua, has said after a meeting on Sunday with Kirkuk‘s Governor and Chairman of the Province’s Council, that discussed means to support Christian families in the Province: “We found the Vatican’s Message in Kirkuk, expressed by coexistence in the city.” “I found the Vatican’s message in Kirkuk, expressed in fraternity, security and coexistence..The Vatican’s message for Iraq reaffirms on goodness, security, stability and coexistence, thing that we have noticed to exist in Kirkuk, despite fact that the conditions of Christians in Iraq are not that good, but our meetings with officials of the Iraqi government satisfies everybody,” the Vatican Papal Ambassador said, according to a statement by Kirkuk‘s Media Director, Dilair Samad, for news agency on Monday. Samad said the Vatican Ambassador’s statement was made public after his said meeting, attended by the Chairman of Kirkuk and Sulaimaniya’s Christian Chaldian Reverends, Dr. Luis Sako, in which Rev. Lingua affirmed, saying: “the situation of Christians in Kirkuk is much better than many other Iraqi provinces, with the exception of north Iraq‘s Kurdistan Region,” adding that “despite difficulties, we achieved a lot, especially through joint coexistence.” On his part, a Kirkuk Council’s Media source in Kirkuk Province’s Council said that the Council’s Chairman, Rozgar Ali, had conferred with the Vatican’s Papal Ambassador in Iraq and Jordan, Georgio Lingua, with the presence of the Chairman of the Christian Chaldian Reverends in Kirkuk and Sulaimaniya, Luis Sako and Father Sliwa Rassam, “on the current circumstances in Kirkuk and means for joint cooperation and coordination, especially towards supporting Christian families in Kirkuk.” Kirkuk Province Council’s Chairman, on his part, has strongly condemned the aggressive attacks against Christians in different parts of Iraq, reiterating that “blind terrorism is against all Iraqi components, without any discrimination between a certain nationality or another, one component, sect or another, because the target is clear, i.e. to create chaos and problems among the Iraqi people in general.” Dozens of Christians have been killed in violence acts over the past few months, most intensive of which had been teh attack on Baghdad’s “My Lady of Salvation Church” that killed over 50 people, mostly Christian, on 31/10/2010, followed by a series of attacks against Christian families in Ninewa and Baghdad, thing that forced hundreds of Christian families to leave their home towns and move to safer areas in Iraqi Kurdistan, along with immigration abroad. IT / SKH   471