Sunday, September 22, 2024


A special Ladies cafe opened in Arbil, Iraqi Kurdistan:

ARBIL / Arbil, the capital of North Iraq‘s Kurdistan Region, has witnessed the opening of a special cafe for women only, expected to present monthly cultural activities for women and children. “It is a pure woman project only and those working in it are women only..And we hope that similar cafes would be opened in other parts of Iraq,” one of the founders of the cafe,” Nasrin Mohammed said. She said that “the idea had existed since long and it is a good idea, because, as there are special places for men, we thought to have a special place for women only, presenting hot and cold drinks, receiving women who wish to hold birthday parties, as well as having a special place for children. “We are planning to hold monthly symposiums, such as those to discuss family rights, children education, as well as having a library comprising children episodes and books related to woman affairs,” Nasrin said. PT / SKH 1607