Saturday, September 28, 2024


Baghdad Arab Summit will be held on schedule, Egypt’s events won’t affect it, MP says:

KARBALA / The next Arab Summit shall convene in Baghdad in its scheduled time next March and the current incidents in Egypt or any other country won’t affect its holding, the Legislature from the National Coalition, Abdul-Mahdi al-Khafaji said on Tuesday. “The Arab Summit, scheduled to convene in Baghdad next March shall be held in its scheduled time and the current events in a number of Arab states, including Egypt, won’t change that; and we do hope that all Arab states would attend the Summit,” Khafaji told news agency. Khafaji said that “the current events, in Egypt, Tunisia or any other Arab state, won’t delay the time of the Arab Summit, because there is always somebody to represent peoples in such Summit, be it this president or that,” adding that “the current events in some Arab states are internal affairs, as the current protests in Egypt are related to the Egyptian Arab People, though we hope there would be  response to the people’s voice, in order to avoid further bloodsheds.” “What we want is that demonstrations would not change into the destruction of the infrastructure , but to change into peaceful demonstrations that will achieve the people’s goals, the same as what happened in Tunisia, people of whom have managed to change the regime, without affecting the infrastructure,” Khafaji concluded. Karbala, the center of the Province carrying the same name, is 108 kms to the south of Baghdad. SP / SKH 424