Wednesday, September 25, 2024


National Council for Strategic Policies (NCSP) needs to be matured, MP says:

BAGHDAD / The proposed National Council for Strategic Policies (NCSP), presented by Leader of al-Iraqiya Coalition, Iyad Allawi, needs to be “matured,” because “partners” in the poliltical process have other viewponts about it, the Legislature of al-Iraqiya Coalition, Kadhim al-Shimmary said on Wednesday. “The agreement with partners in the Iraqi political process on the NCSP’s draft-law must be passed in the form agreed upon, but there are other opinions, thing that necessitates its ‘maturing’, but we insist to pass it according to the agreement concluded (by leading political coalitions) in the first place,” Shimmari told news agency. The Legislature in al-Iraqiya Coalition, Nahida al-Dainy, had stated earlier that differences towars the NCSP “are limited on the mechanism of voting on it,” adding that her Coalition demands voting for the formation of the Council to take place by the Parliament, thing that had been rejected by Iraq’s National Coalition. As regards to the possibility of shifting the dossier of the vacant cabinet posts, Shimmary said: “Neither al-Iraqiya, nor any other party, reserves the right to propose cabinet names on the Parliament, be it the Parliament itself, because such authority is defined by the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, who has the right to present the names of his cabinet members to the Parliament for voting.” “It is possible that Maliki shall reach an agreement with other coalitions before passing the cabinet ministers names on the Parliament, thing that is actually taking place now,” he said, adding “that no agreement had been reached on the candidate who shall occupy the Defense Minister’s post till now.” The NCSP’s draft-law, presented by al-Iraqiya Coalition to the Parliament, covers the drawing of the high policies of the Iraqi State in the strategic political, economic and security affairs. It also includes articles confirming that “its Chairman would enjoy all the rights and privilages, as well as the personality position of the Prime Minister, as well as its Chairman’s right to appoint his deputy in the event of his absence for any reason.” The draft-law also grants its Chairman the authority to “invite” any high official to attend the Council’s meetings, including the Chief of the Legislaslatory Council, the Chairman of the Federal Court, the ministers and High-Ranking Army Commands, whose attendance will be obligatory, but they would not have the right for voting in the meetings. IT / SKH 1378