Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi Kurdistan’s “Change” Bloc – the Iraqi Communist Party congratulate Egyptian people:

BAGHDAD / North Iraqi Kurdistan’s Goran (Change) Movement and the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP) have congratulated the Egyptian people on occasion of the achievement of their demands to sack President Hosni Mubarak from power in Egypt. “On occasion of the victory of the free and heroic Egyptian people, we convey our warmest congratulations for them, and we are fully confident that their victory shall ignite courage, hope and broad ambitions among other peoples, still suffering under big and small dictatorial and corrupt totalitarian regimes,” Iraqi Kurdistan’s opposition Goran (Change) Movement said in a statement, copy of which dropped in Iraqi News on Saturday. The Goran Movement’s statement said that the change in Egypt would “come out with a world, filled with freedom, democracy and justice.” “The Goran Movement in Kurdistan, being an opposition force, defending freedoms and human rights in Kurdistan and Iraq, conveys all respect and love for the victories of the Egyptian people, wishing them all progress and advance,” the statement said. Most Egyptian cities have witnessed broad celebrations till late Friday, following the announcement of Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak‘s resignation from power in Egypt, which he ruled for 30 years, following 18 days of huge protests demanding his “departure.” The Iraqi Communist Party, on its part, has issued a statement, copy of which was also received by, expressing: “broad happiness and deep feelings by the Party and the Iraqi people, for the great victory, achieved by the revolutionary Egyptian popular masses, that forced the head of the system of tyranny , injustice and corruption to lean to their will and escape far away from visions and the arena of drawing the new history of Egypt, the Arab Region and the whole world.” “The ICP considers the Egyptain people’s revolution as “the new, more bright and clear lesson for our Arab and all other peoples, for their unlimited power to grab their rights for self-determination and draw their future by themselves,” the statement said. SP / SKH 289