Friday, September 20, 2024


Leading Iraqi Shiite Cleric congratulates Egyptians on President Mubarak’s resignation:

BAGHDAD / The outstanding Iraqi Shiite Authoritative Clergyman, Mohammed Taqi al-Mudarrisy, has described  Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak‘s resignation as “a beginning for a new march by the Egyptian people, calling on them to protect their unity, strengthen their country and join ranks together against sedition.” “We congratulate the Egyptian people for their great achievement, represented in the resignation of their President and end of his power,” Mudarrisy said, in a statement issued by his office in the Shiite holy city of Karbala, copy of which dropped in news agency on Saturday. Mudarrisy’s statement was issued in the aftermath of broad demonstrations that took place late on Friday, on the occasion of Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak‘s resignation, after 30 years in power, that took place after 18  days of intensive protests, demanding his “departure” from power. “The Egyptian people must be armed with the course of right, in order to achieve freedom and pride for all the people, without any exception, in order to return their homeland to the correct course and enable Egypt to restore its respectful position in the Arab and Islamic worlds,” he said. Meanwhile, the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, had witnessed broad signs of rejoice and happiness for Mubarak’s departure from power in Egypt, after three weeks of protest demonstrations in mid Cairo’s al-Tahrir (Liberation) Square and other Egyptian cities, demanding their President’s resignation. A number of Baghdad’s young people, hailing the Egyptian people’s will that led to the resignation of their President, asked: “Who is next, after Tunisia and Egypt?” “We were expecting the downfall of Mubarak at any moment, due to the insistence of the young people that forced him to resign and leave the seat of power..and today, they have succeeded to cool-up our hearts, and we are sharing their rejoice for this great day,” Ahmed Ali, 23, told Abu-Nour, a pharmacist in Central Baghdad, asked: “For whom is the role now, after Tunisia and Egypt?..Are all Arab people, including the people of Iraq, going to enjoy freedom and generous life?” “We have all been rejoiced for Mubarak’s resignation, hoping that other Arab peoples free themselves from dictatorships and enjoy freedom, in order to  join the advanced democratic states, that respect human rights,” he said. Alaa Saadoun, a girl in her 20s, said: “Arab rulers have proven their vulnerability towards their peoples, and Mubarak’s resignation had been the best evidence for the weakness of the authoritarian regimes..I am very happy for this great achievement and congratulate the Egyptian people for the emergence of the new free epoch in their country.” “I hope that our happiness shall continue till all Arab peoples enjoy security, freedom and stability; but for whom is the next role after Tunisia and Egypt?,” she asked. IT / SKH 218