Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Kurdistan President, Barzani, al-Iraqiya leader, Allawi, discuss boosting of Barzani’s initiative

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: North Iraq‘s Kurdistan President, Massoud Barzani, has discussed in a meeting with the Leader of al-Iraqiya Coalition, Iyad Allawi, in Arbil city on Sunday, the boosting of Barzani’s initiative to settle the differences among Iraq‘s poliltical forces and the obstacles facing Allawi’s “National Council for Strategic Policies (NCSP),” the Chairam of Kurdistan’s Presidency Diwan (Office), Fuad Maasoum said on Monday. “Barzani and Allawi have discussed the course of the political developments in Iraq, most important of which had been the isue of the establishment of the NCSP, facing several obstacles, despite fact that it had been part of the documents and agreements, signed by the Iraqi political forces, according to Barzani’s Arbil Initiative, that was considered the basis for the formation of the current Iraqi government,” Hussein told al-Sharq al-Awsat (Middle East) Newspaper. Hussein said “the talks between the two leaders had covererd several basic points, agreed upon according to Barzani’s initiative, reiterating necessity to renew support for the agreement, signed in response to the initiative, in order to achieve the stability of the political process.” Kurdistan Region’s President, Massoud Barzani, had launched an initative to settle the political crisis in Iraq on 16/9/2010, that comprised the formation of 8-12 member committee, representing different political blocs, to carry out talks to settle their pending differences, including the formation of the national-partnership government, as well as the settlement of the issue of the three presidences, of Iraq‘s President, the Prime Minister and the Parliament Speaker. Mahmoud also said: “I have noticed the presence of some fears by Mr. Allawi, regarding the slow implementation of the agreements, signed in Arbil and laying obstacles in their way,” adding that “Allawi has returned to Baghdad to complete his consultations with the Iraq‘s Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, in order to achieve a decision to activate the said agreements and the settlement of the NCSP‘s issue.” The draft-law on the NCSP, presented by al-Iraqiya Coalition, after the formation of the new Iraqi cabinet, had faced some reservations by the National Coalition, led by Prime Minister Maliki, its Chairman would enjoy, such as the rights, privileges and personal position of the Prime Minister, also enjoying the right to appoint his deputy, in the event of his absence for any reason, as well as the right to invite any high-ranking official to attend its meetings. SKH (IT)/SR 637