Friday, September 20, 2024


Shiite Leader says Iraq’s demonstrations should be peaceful

NAJAF / The Leader of Iraq‘s Shiite Sadrist Trend, Young Clergyman Muqtada al-Sadr, has called on Sunday that current demonstrations taking place in different parts of Iraq “sould be peaceful and united, in order to encourage the government to present services to the citizens, warning that “such demonstrations must not serve a certain party.” “Such demonstrations must take place, because they represent the reaction of the oppressed people against their oppressors. But I don’t fear from the reaction of the oppressor against you, because the bloods of Iraqis are dear on us, especially that Iraq suffers from a bitter status-quo that might be exploited against you,” Sadr said, answering a question about the demonstrations taking place in different parts of Iraq nowadays. “Make sure to be peaceful and united in your actions and demanding your rights, in order to give a white image that won’t be used against you or harm you,” Sadr added. “We need such demonstrations to serve the unity of the people and not serve a certain party..You are demanded to gain a large number of people to support your demonstrations to become useful and not harmful,” Sadr said.  “I know that the government, even if it supported the people’s demands, but it is unable to satisfy them, for many reasons, due to the existence of the occupation forces, corruption and the government’s weakness,” he added. “It is alright to assign a date for the main demonstration, that must be shared by millions of people, but for a limited period, in order to encourage the government to present services; of course, if you wish to launch such demonstration,” Sadr concluded. SKH (TS)/SR 687