Friday, September 20, 2024


Demonstrators break through southern Iraq Wassit Province’s Council:

  WASSIT / Hundreds of citizens of Kut city, the center of southern Iraq’s Wassit Province, have demonstrated in front of the Province on Wednesday, demanding the improvement of services and accounting its officials, whilst some of them broke through the building and others broke its windows, forcing the police to open fire in the air, eyewitnesses said. “Thousands of Wassit Province‘s residents have demonstrated in front of its Council’s building in Kut city, in protest against bad services and the decrease of the Rational Card, granted to all citizens by the government, whilst others demanded the Province’s Governor, Latif al-Turfa, to implement the judiciary decision to sack him, along with the accounting of corruption elements in the Health department, along with demanding the distribution of patches of land on the citizens,” one of the demonstrators old news agency. He said the demonstrators broke through the Province’s Coucil building, carrying a coffen covered with a placard reading “services!,” in a hint that services in the provine “have died and they are mourning it.” Another demonstrator, called Mohammed Jabbar, said that the police had opened fire in the air, in an attempt to control the situation,” adding that “the Province lacks municipal and health services, caused by Wassit’s Governor, Latif al-Turfa, its Health Director, Dr. Dhia al-Abboudi and their families.” He pointed out that the demonstrations would continue “till the implementation of the judicial decision to sack Governor, Latif al-Turfa and its Health Director, along with other demands.” Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 kms to the southeast of Baghdad. SP / SKH 439