Sunday, September 29, 2024


Journalist killed in front of his house in Mosul

NINEWA / An Iraqi journalist has been killed by unknown gunmen in front of house in Mosul city, the center of northern Iraq’s Ninewa Province, a Ninewa security source said on Thursday. “A group of unknown armed men have killed early on Thursday the Jouranlist, Hilal al-Ahmady, in front of his house in eastern Mosul‘s al-Mithaq district,” the security source told news agency, “Ahmady, who holds the post of Media Communications Director, was shot dead while on his way to work,” he added. Ahmady, in his fifties of age, is a well known columnist, whose articles have appeared in several newspapers in Mosul. The Chairman of the Iraqi Society for Defense of Journalists Rights in Ninewa Province, Ibrahim al-Sarraji, told that the armed men killed Ahmady, after attacking his house in Mosul, and escaping to an unknown destination, demanding the security authorities to open an urgent investigation about Ahmady’s assassination and to uncover the armed men, who killed him, to face justice. Mosul, the center of north Iraq’s Ninewa Province, is 405 kms to the north of Baghdad. SKH (TP)/SR 504