Saturday, September 21, 2024


Wassit’s demonstrations resume, demanding its Governor’s resignation

WASSIT / Demonstrations have resumed in Kut city, the center of southern Iraq’s Wassit Province on Thursday, demanding the resignation of the Province’s Governor and the improvement of services presented for citizens, according to a security source. “Kut city has witnessed a new demonstration in front of Wassit Province‘s Council, demanding the resignation of its Governor, Latif Hamad al-Turfa, the improvement of services and accounting the elements, charged with administrative corruption,” the security source told news agency.   He said the demonstrators, who are in excess of 500, were carrying placards, condemning keeping Wassit’s Governor in his position, despite a decision by the Judiciary Council to sack him out, adding that the demonstrators have handed over a statement to the Council’s members, demanding the resignation of the Governor and accounting the corrupt elements. Wassit Province had witnessed huge demonstrations on Wednesday that damaged the Province’s building, its Council, burning the Contracts Office in the Province, the Governor’s office and his residence, in protest to lack of services, presented to the citizens and the shortage in the government’s “Rational Card,” as well as the delay of the Judicial Council’s decision to sack the Governor and account the corrupt elements. Meanwhile, the final result of the persons, injured due to the demonstrations,  had reached 55, including 2 in a serious condition, acording to the Media Director of Wassit’s Health Department, Falah Qassim. Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the southeast of Baghdad. SKH (TS)/SR 505