Friday, September 20, 2024


Serious discussion in Parliament between Kurdistan Coalition’s – Goran (Change) MPs:

BAGHDAD / A serious discussion has taken place in the Iraqi Parliament’s session on Saturday between the legislatures of the Kurdistan Coalition and the Goran (Change) Movement, in the background of a statement by a Goran Legislature, regarding the recent incidents that took place in northern Iraq’s Kurdish city of Sulaimaniya, according to a statement by the Kurdistan Coalition Legislature. “The Legislature from the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), Ashwaq al-Jaf, had opposed Goran’s statement that charged KDP elements with having started opening fire on the demonstrators in Sulaimaniya city last Thursday,” Farhad al-Atrushy told news agency. Atrushy said: “We don’t charge any political party with having opened fire on KDP‘s headquarters in Sulaimaniya,” adding that “there are video shots for those who opened fire on the KDP‘s headquarters, who were among the demonstrators.” Hundreds of demonstrators have gone to the streets in Sulaimaniya city, demanding the improvement of service and living conditions, fighting corruption and taking political measures, followed by a number of demonstrators, who stoned the headquarters of the KDP, led by Kurdistan Region’s President, Massoud Barzni, thing that forced its guards to open fire on the demonstrators, killing 7 and wounding 47 others. The incident was followed by an announcement by Sulaimaniya Governor, Bahrouz Mohammed Saleh, to impose a curfew from 07:00 pm and 07:00 am local time, whilst three headquarters of Goran (Change) Movement had witnessed breaking through them and setting fire in them, in the cities of Arbil, Dohuk and Soran, but caused casualties. The Goran (Change) Movement in the Kurdistan Parliament, meanwhile, issued a statement, considering opening firre on the civilians by the guards of KDP headquarters as a “crime,” demanding an urgent meeting by the Kurdistan Parliament to discuss the current situation in the Region. PT / SKH 652