Friday, September 20, 2024


Two leading Kurdish Parties charge (Change) Movement’s statement’s exploitation to move masses:

ARBIL / Two leaders of the two main Kurdish Parties in north Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) on Saturday have charged that the statement issued by the opposition Goran (Change) Movement, that demanded the cancellation of the Region’s government and parliament, with having been exploited to move the masses. “The events that took place in Kurdistan Region in the background of the statement, issued by the Goran Movement, had been exploited by a group of small blocs, he did not name,” the KDP Leader, Saadi Pira told news agency, adding that the demonstrations that took place over the past 24 hours “had been hostile, but I don’t think that the conditions would go to worst,” calling on the government to investigate the reasons for those developments. Hundreds of demonstrators have gone to the streets in Sulaimaniya city on Thursday, demanding the improvement of services and living standard, fighting corruption and carrying out political reforms, causing about 7 people killed and 47 others injured due to the shooting that took place in front of the KDP‘s headquarters in the city, where the demonstrators gathered. After that, Sulaimaniya Governor, Dana Ahmed Mahid, had imposed a curfew on the city from 07:00 pm till 07:00 am, whilst three headquarters of the Goran (Change) Movement were attacked and burnt in Arbil, Dohuk and Soran cities, causing no casualties. On his part, the Kurdistan Parliament Member from the KDP, Abdul-Salam Barwary, said: “What has happened had been regretful, as we are still knew in practicing democracy in all its forms, and what took place in Arbil is condemned by both the KDP and PUK,” adding that “what had happened in Sulaimaniya had been a previously-designed and planned issue.” “There had been a campaign since more than two weeks to force legitimacy out of the constitutional and political institutions (in Kurdistan),” Barwary said, considering “the complains and demands of the masses are legitimate, though the situation had been exploited passively, as it’s easy to move the masses, but it’s difficult to stop them.” He said that “every party that doesn’t like the current stability and development in the Region stands behind those events, and there is a certain “party” trying to plant differences between the KDP and other parties, but all political parties in the Region have issued official statements condemning those events,” calling on the masses to “take a lesson from those events, as the citizens’ demands are legitimate, though attacking the headquarters of the parties would not solve the problems.” IT / SKH 358