Wednesday, September 25, 2024


NCSP, source of anxiety for al-Iraqiya bloc, its MP says

BAGHDAD / A Legislature in al-Iraqiya bloc, led by its Leader Iyad Allawi, said on Monday that the Coalition’s proposed National Council for Strategic Policies (NCSP) “had become a source of anxiety for the bloc.” “The NCSP‘s issue has become a source of anxiety for al-Iraqiya bloc, due to non-commitment towards the agreement, concluded in the round table that took place after the issuance of Barzani’s initiative. This shall hinder the political dossier or cause a new crisis,” Zuheir al-Aarajy told news agency. “His Coalition had presented the text of the NCSP‘s draft-law several times, but it was opposed each time it was presented,” he added. “Al-Iraqiya Bloc’s Leader, Iyad Allawi, had discussed in his last meeting with Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, the presenting of the issue to special committees that would adjust the opposed articles, thing that was not settled till now,” Aarajy told news agency. Differences towards the NCPS’ draft’ law, that was raised after the formation of the new Iraqi government, is due to fact that it is scheduled to be led by al-Iraqiya Leader, Iyad Allawi, who demanded broad authorities, including executive ones, whilst Prime Minister Maliki’s National Coalition, rejected that. With regards to the new cabinet’s security ministries, Aarajy said, “This dossier is still under discussion and not settled yet; and neither we, nor other political blocs have reached an agreement towards those posts.” In another development, Aarajy said, “There are certain terrorist operations targeting the Iraqi people, and there must be a direct field follow-up by the related minister and not on an “acting” basis, even if it was by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces (Prime Minister Maliki), due to his busy schedule.” On Dec. 21, 2010, the Iraqi Parliament granted trust to the new Iraqi cabinet, comprising 42 cabinet posts including 12 ministries of state. Prime Minister Maliki retained the administrations of the Interior, Defense and National Security Ministries, temporarily under his conrol on an “acting” basis.  He assigned several cabinet posts to other personalities, on the same basis, pending the appointment of their original ministers. SKH (TR)/SR 783