Tuesday, September 24, 2024


About 820 Diala employees get Social Protection Network’s salaries, illegally

  DIALA / IraqiNews.com: At least 819 government employees are illegally getting salaries of the Iraqi Social Protection Network, whilst huge funds have been returned to the State Treasury, the Chairman of the Social Action and Protection Committee in northeast Iraq’s Diala Province said on Monday. “The Committee in Diala had managed to uncover 819 government employees in different offices in the Province have been getting double salaries, the first from their offices and the second from the salaries, allocated for the unemployed people by the central government for those covered by the social protection network,” Diler Hassan Saba told Iraqi News, adding that the committee had also succeeded to restore the amounts from the said employees, reaching 837 millions and 266,000 Iraqi dinars. Baaquba, the center of Diala Province, is 57 km to the northeast of Baghdad. SKH (TP)/SR 614