Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Iraq’s Parliament Speaker reiterates support for demonstrators:

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s Parliament Speaker, Usma al-Nujeify, on Saturday, has expressed the Parliament’s full support for the demonstators, who demanded to achive their rights, reiterating necessity to achieve those demands by the government, according to a statement issued by the Parliament’s media office. “Parliament Speaker, Usama al-Nujeify, has confirmed full support by the Parliament for the demonstrators, demanding the people’s rights, calling on the government to bear responsibility for the protection of the demonstrators, as well as public and private properties,” the statement said, adding that “the right of demonstrations is legal for all.” Iraq’s Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, on his part, had said on Friday that he would study all issues raised by the demonstrators, implement those under his responsibility, following up the activity of  the central and local governments, and committing them to implement the promises they gave to the people and vowing to investigate all violations that took place during Friday demonstrations. Nijeify, according to his statement, had demanded “the opening of investigation regarding the victims that fell during Friday demonstrations and the release of innocent people,” reiterating “necessity for human interaction with citizens, according to human rights principles, rejecting the undermining of freedoms,” and calling on the demonstrators “to avoid undermining security, public and private institutions,” along with the Parliament’s commitment to adopt people’s demands and calling on the government to implement them. ST / SKH