Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Iraq’s Presidency issues draft-law of salaries of high-ranking officials

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: Iraq’s Presidency has issued on Monday a draft-law for the monthly salaries of high-ranking officials and employees, already approved by the Council of Ministers and copy of which was sent to the Parliament.   The text of the draft-law, copy of which was received by IraqiNews.com news agency, has defined the monthly salary of the President and the Prime Minister, as well as their other allocations for 8 million Iraq dinars, as a basic salary and 4 million dinars as allocations, each.   The draft-law has also defined the salary of the Parliament’s Speaker for 12 million dinars per month.   As for the salaries of the Vice-Presidents, Deputy Prime Ministers, and their allocations, they had been defined at 8 million dinars, as basic salary and 3 millions as allocations, whilst the Deputy Parliament Speaker will get a monthly salary of 10 million dinars.    Each cabinet minister, the draft-law said, will get 5 million dinars per month and 3 millions as allocations, as well as persons, who occupy the post of a minister, whilst the monthly salary of the Parliament member will be  8 million dinars, along with 3.5 millions monthly for officials with the post of under-secretary of each ministry, plus 2.5 million dinars as service allocations.   An official, with a director-general’s post will get 2.5 million dinars, as basic salary, in addition to 1 million dinars as allocations.   The draft-law had also defined the salary of high-ranking employees to be 40 percent of their basic salaries, in addition to 80 percent for those of 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees, 150 percent of basic salaries of 4th, 5th and 6th grades and 200 percent for 7th and 8th ranks.   The draft-law had defined the remaining salaries for other officials and retired employees, governors and Council members, accordingly.   SKH (TR)/SR 521