Monday, September 30, 2024


Kirkuk’s “Arab Rage Day” demonstration postponed, Council Member in Kirkuk says

KIRKUK / A demonstration, scheduled to take place in northern Iraq ’s Kirkuk city by the city’s Arab community on Tuesday, had been postponed due to the imposition of a curfew on the city, a member of the Arab Political Council in Kirkuk said.   “The ‘Arab Rage Day’ in Kirkuk, was scheduled to take place in the city on Tuesday, condemning the “outrage” against the Arabs in the city that took place for several years,” Khalid al-Muferjy told news agency.   But, Muferjy said that: “Kirkuk Police, had unfortunately, treated our demand negatively and rejected it, imposing a curfew on the city from 06:00 am and till further notice; and, being keen on safety of citizens, we committed our selves to the curfew.”   “The Arab Political Council in Kirkuk had presented a request to the Province’s Council, informing that the “Arab Rage Day” demonstration would take place in Kirkuk , being a 100% peaceful demonstration, carrying flowers, led by a placard, calling for civil peace and the adoption of the language of dialogue and peaceful coexistence,” he said.   Noteworthy is that the result of previous demonstrations in Kirkuk Province last Friday, had killed 2 people and wounded 51 others, including 22 in Hawija city, among them 5 policemen, and 6 wounded in Suleiman Beg township.   Clashes between the demonstrators and the police, that led to an attempt by the demonstrators to break through the Province’s Council building had wounded 23 policemen and a reporter of the Kurdistan People’s TV Channel.   Kirkuk is 280 kms to the northeast of Baghdad .   RT / SKH 518