Saturday, September 21, 2024


Al-Iraqiya Coalition says its cancellation of the NCSP’s command, evidence to State of Law Coalition’s non-commitment.

BAGHDAD / – The Spokesman of Al-Iraqiya Coalition, has said on Saturday that its Leader Iyad Allawi’s rejection to lead its proposed National Council for Strategic Policies (NCSP) “had proved that the State of Law Alliance, had failed to implement the Agreement, reached according to the Initiative of Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani, that had led to the formation of the new cabinet.   “Al-Iraqiya Coalition had not thought yet of proposing a substitute for its Leader, Iyad Allawi, to hold the post of NCSP’s Chairman, but it is thinking about complete abolishment of the whole idea,” Shaker Kattab said, adding: “Our cancellation of the said post had been another evidence for the non-commitment of the State of Law Alliance for the Initiative of Kurdistan President, Massoud Barzani.”   As regards to Allawi’s recent meeting with the Leader of the Shiite Sadrist Trend, Muqtada al-Sadr, Kattab said: “the meeting had reflected a closer viewpoint between Al-Iraqiya and the Sadrist Trend towards the current demonstrations, taking place in Iraq these days.” BAGHDAD and 15 other Iraqi provinces had witnessed on Feb. 25 th , 2011, broad mass demonstrations, demanding the improvement of services and the living standards of the Iraqi people, as well as putting an end to corruption, followed by similar demonstrations on March 4 th .   IT / SKH   463