Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqi Parliament’s Speaker confers with Political blocs

BAGHDAD / – The Iraqi Parliament’s Speaker, Usama al-Nujeify, has conferred on Saturday with the leaders and representatives of different political blocs on the recent developments in the country.   “The conferees have discussed the proposals and viewpoints to activate the Parliament’s observatory role and taking measures in different fields, in order to find solutions for the problems facing Iraqi citizens and the mechanism of interaction with their demands, expressed in the recent demonstrations,” a Parliament statement said.   The statement quoted Nujeify as saying “the Parliament is determined to play its role in the current phase, through striving to lay a program to carry out reforms to face the current challenges and to fight corruption.”   Nu jeify, after the end of the meeting, said “it had discussed important issues related to the demonstrations and laying a program of action by the Parliament in this respect,” adding that “an agreement had been reached to respond to the demands of the demonstrators and to interact with the reports that reach to the Parliament by its members towards the situation in different Iraqi provinces.”   “The Parliament shall take important decisions through carrying an investigation about the casualties that fell during the demonstrations and to form a committee to receive the demands of the demonstrators, as well as inviting the Prime Minister to lay a deadline for the implementation of his government’s program and the demands of the demonstrators,” Nujeify said.   Nijeify pointed out that “demonstrations are a constitutional right, demanding the government to prepare all necessary prerequisites for their success, along with the protection of public and private properties, as well as the duty of the security forces to protect the demonstrators.   RT / SKH