Saturday, September 21, 2024


Hundreds protest in Falluja

ANBAR / Hundreds of local residents of al-Falluja city staged a demonstration on Monday calling for an end to administrative and financial corruption, according to an informed source. “Hundreds of all walks of life in Falluja, (60 km) west of Ramadi, mostly jobless persons, tribal chiefs and intellectuals, gathered at the al-Jumhuriya intersection in the heart of the city to demand an end to corruption, accountability for local service officials involved in dereliction and release of detainees,” the source eyewitness told news agency. “The march was under tight security by the army, police and special forces to protest the demonstrators,” he added. On Feb. 25 the Falluja district mayor and local council members announced their resignations after meeting with representatives of the protesters upon their demands. Ramadi, the capital city of the predominantly Sunni province of al-Anbar, lies 110 km west of Baghdad. AmR (TP)/SR 1201