Monday, September 23, 2024


U.S. forces killed physician in Salah al-Din – MP

BAGHDAD / A U.S. force conducted an air drop operation on a village in al-Huweija district and raided some houses, killed a physician and arrested his brother, according to an Iraqi legislator on Tuesday. “U.S. special forces, in association with forces from Salah al-Din province, conducted an air drop operation on a village in Huweija, where they killed a physician and detained his brother on Sunday (March 6) night,” Omar al-Juburi, a member of parliament from al-Wasat (Centrist) Coalition, said during a parliamentary session Tuesday. Juburi urged the parliament to “condemn this sinful incident and form a committee to investigate it.” He also called for releasing the killed physician’s brother and that the U.S. forces pay compensations to his family. Osama al-Nujeifi, the parliament speaker, asked the security & defense committee to investigate this incident, adding it represented a “clear violation of the status of forces agreement signed between Iraq and the United States.” AmR (TP) 2206