Sunday, September 22, 2024


MP rejects proposal to summon President Talabani for his recent statement about Kirkuk.

BAGHDAD / – A Legislature from the National Coalition, led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, has rejected the proposal to “summon” Iraqi President jalal Talabani for his recent statement about north Iraq’s Province of Kirkuk.   “Collecting signatures by some Members of Parliament to summon President Talabani is an incorrect measure, because the idea to summon the President by the Parliament shall undermine the current political understanding, as Kirkuk is an Iraqi province for all Iraqis and President Talabani’s statements won’t change this fact,” Khalid al-Assadi told Aswat al- Iraq news agency on Sunday.   Assadi described President Talabani’s statement about Kirkuk “as a serious and wrong issue; but we don’t support the idea to summon the President (by the Parliament), suggesting on everybody to face that statement with opposite statements.”   President Jalal Talabani had said in a speech last week, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Kurdish uprising in Sulaimaniya city against Iraq ’s former ruling Baath regime in 1991, that Kirkuk   is “Kurdistan’s Jerusalem ,” calling on the Kurds in the Province to conclude a Kurdish-Tukroman Coalition to liberate it from what he described as “terrorists and neo-occupiers.”   IT / SKH   531