Saturday, September 21, 2024


URGENT / Iraq’s President expresses support for demonstrators demands in Sulaimaniya

BAGHDAD / – Iraq’s President and the Chairman of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Jalal Talabani, announced his support for the demands of demonstrators in Azady (Liberity) Square in the Kurdish city of Sulaimaniya, reassuring that the Kurdistan government would strive to achieve those demands. President Talabani’s commitment was cited in a message, addressed by him at his capacity as PUK’s Secretary-General to the demonstrators’ “Temporary Council” of Azady (Liberty) Square, published on PUK’s central position on Thursday. “We, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, express support for peaceful meetings, demonstrations and sit-in occasions; and strongly oppose any violence acts or the use of arms against the demonstrators,” Talabani said. He also stressed that defendants (using violence) would get their just punishment, saying: “we support all your legitimate demands and strive to accelerate their achievement, as well as guaranteeing decent life and freedoms for you (demonstrators).” “We support all the points, cited in the message of Brother Dr. Barham Saleh (Kurdistan Premier) for you and shall act to accelerate their implementation.. We are also persistent to start immediate reforms and to achieve a final ending for the phenomena of corruption and injustice, as well as implementing the points, cited in Kurdistan Parliament’s decision, in order to change it into a program for the government of Kurdistan Region, which would be implemented,” Talabani said. Concluding his message, President Talabani said: “we consider all young people, like yourselves, as our own kids, and visualize your demands from this aspect.” Noteworthy is that demonstrations in Sulaimaniya city has entered their 27th day today (Thursday), expressing angry feelings of the demonstrators for non-implementation of their demands to try those behind the killing and wounding of a number of demonstrators and the beginning of carrying out practical steps for political reforms and ending corruption. The Kurdish Parliamentary opposition, represented by the Goran (Change) Movement, the Kurdistan Islamic Union and the Islamic Group, possessing 35 out of 111 parliamentary seats, had announced support for the demands of the protesters and issued a 20-point reform program, they consider as basic to overcome the crisis witnessed by Kurdistan Region. SKH (TF) 1291