Friday, September 20, 2024


Al-Sadr condemns foreign interference in Bahraini, Libyan affairs

BAGHDAD / Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr condemned on Monday the foreign interference in Libya and Bahrain, according to a statement of his media office. “His eminence (Sadr) rejected and condemned the foreign interference in Libyan and Bahraini internal affairs saying that the people are the ones who own decisions and governments should step down if the people call for it,” said the statement received by news agency. “Those who want to topple (Libyan leader Muammar) Gaddafi’s regime with their planes should avoid killing civilians and avoid the calamities of bombings.” A U.S.-led alliance of France, Britain, Canada and Italy started a no-fly zone over Libya to paralyze Gaddafi’s air defenses. The Bahrain opposition’s main demand is for a constitutional monarchy that would keep the royal family in power but would let people elect a government. SH (TP) 428