Friday, September 20, 2024


UNAMI holds meeting to support Rule of Law in Iraq

BAGHDAD / As the international community moves forward with several rule of law initiatives in Iraq, the Rule of Law International Policy Committee (RIPC) held a meeting today at UNAMI Headquarters in Baghdad with the participation of representatives of 14 countries, the United Nations, the World Bank and EUJUST LEX Iraq, the European Union Integrated Rule of Law Mission for Iraq. “Ambassadors, top officials and international rule of law experts continued their monthly dialogue on human rights, good governance and the rule of law in Iraq.  They shared information in view of coordinating their work in the field of human rights and Rule of Law in Iraq with the aim of promoting the protection of human rights and judicial and legal reform in the country,” UNAMI said in a statement received by news agency. “The meeting provided for a review of the work of its three working groups dealing with trafficking in persons and juvenile justice, international judicial cooperation and rule of law and judiciary reform/legislation and parliamentary oversight.” “The Committee meeting also included three presentations on the Iraq Rule of Law Strategy of RIPC partners and the activities of the US-supported National Center for State Courts and USAID-funded Iraq Access to Justice Program,” the statement added. The RIPC serves as a monthly rule of law forum chaired by various missions. The Committee is made up of Australia, Denmark, European Union, Egypt, Italy, Japan, France, Germany, Korea, Turkey, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, United Nations and EUJUST LEX Iraq. SH (TS) 908