Friday, September 20, 2024


Curfew imposed on vehicles in Baghdad, where demo will take place on occasion of 8th anniversary of U.S. occupation.

BAGHDAD / The Baghdad Operations Command has announced on Saturday the imposition of a curfew on vehicles in Baghdad , where a demonstration is scheduled to take place by the Shiite Sadrist Group on the occasion of the 8 th anniversary of the U.S. occupation of Baghdad , taking place later in the day.   “The Baghdad Operations Command has began the implementation of necessary protection for demonstrators, whose Martyr al-Sadr Bureau had demanded that their demonstration would take place at 01:00 pm local time on Saturday,” the Commands Official Spokesman, Maj-General Qassim Atta told news agency.   He said that all vehicles would be prevented from movement in the venue of the demonstration and around it, but all streets and bridges would be open for the movement of vehicles,” adding that al-Sadr’s Bureau is coordinating with his Command, in order to achieve a suitable security condition for the demonstration.   A spokesman for al-Sadr Bureau, who asked not to be named, told that the demonstration would start from al-Sadr city east of Baghdad towards Beirut Square in Palestine Street and end at the nearby al-Mustansiriya Square, where the demonstrators would gather.   The spokesman said that the number of demonstrators would exceed one million, including large numbers of men and women, would come to share in the demonstration from different other Iraqi provinces, rather than Baghdad, to “Share in the demonstration against the existence of occupation forces on its 8 th anniversary.”’s correspondent in Baghdad had noticed that large numbers of 44-passenger buses have been entering Baghdad , coming from different southern Iraqi provinces, as well as Baghdad , carrying tens of thousands of demonstrators, raising Iraqi flags and chanting slogans against the foreign existence in Iraq .   SKH (FT)