Monday, September 30, 2024


Ninewa Governor halts work in Governorate’s offices, in protest to suppression of demos

NINEWA / The Governor of Ninewa Province, Athil al-Nujeify, has announced that official working in the Province’s offices has stopped as of Tuesday, in protest of the suppression against demonstrations by Ninewa’s Operations Command. “I announce the day of Tuesday as a day for halting work in all state departments and offices in the Governorate,” Nujeify said in a phone call with news agency on Monday. He said that the halt of work “followed the suppressive measures by Ninewa Operations Command against demonstrators, heading for central Mosul’s al-Ahrar Square, that witnessed a number of wounded people. “Only offices, that render humanitarian services for citizens, such as hospitals and similar offices, would be allowed to resume work to render such services,” Nujeify said. Nujeify said that work had stopped “due to the suppressive measures, taken by the Ninewa Operations Command against demons tors, five of whom were injured when the security forces prevented the demonstrators to enter al-Ahrar Square on Monday. Mosul, the center of Ninewa Province, is 405 km to the north of Baghdad.   SKH (IT)/SR 515