Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Iraq’s PM confers with South-Korean Parliament Speaker, calls for activation of joint agreement.

BAGHDAD / Iraq ’s Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, now on an official visit to Seoul , has said that his government was determined to activate the agreement on expansion of economic cooperation, concluded between both countries recently.   “Maliki has announced his statement in a meeting with South-Korean Parliament’s Speaker in Seoul on Friday, with whom he discussed different issues of joint interest between the two countries,” a statement by Maliki’s office in Baghdad said on Saturday.   The statement quoted Maliki as saying: “ Iraq wishes to cooperate with the Republic of Korea in all fields, and we are determined to activate the agreement related to the expansion of economic cooperation, signed between the two countries recently.”   Maliki also reiterated “ Iraq ’s wish for the exchange of visits between officials in both countries, especially members of both Parliaments,” along with opening the opportunity for Korean companies to work in Iraq . On his part, the Speaker of the South-Korean Parliament, expressed “rejoice for Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s visit for Seoul .”   “ Iraq has been target for harsh attacks, similar to those suffered by Korea in the past, but it had proved its ability to overcome the difficulties and to march forward for progress, development and reconstruction,” he said.   He added that “Iraqis have proven, by their efforts to overcome those problems, with wisdom and courage, to enable Iraq move to the level of advanced countries soon.”   SKH (RT)