Saturday, September 21, 2024


30 reporters demand Barzani’s interference to protect them

ARBIL / About 30 reporters in north Iraq’s Kurdistan Region have demanded its President, Massoud Barzani on Saturday, to interfere in order to protect them, following their receipt of ‘threats’ hampering their journalistic activity.   “We call on the President of Kurdistan Region, being the highest authority in the Region, to interfere to protect us after having received threats hampering our journalistic mission,” they said, adding that they had faced several attacks recently.   The Reporters Without Borders Organization and several local civilian organizations have pointed out to the exposure of dozens of journalist and mass media institutions for attacks, since the outbreak of clashes between demonstrators and security forces in Kurdisan’s Sulaimaniya city on Feb. 17th last.   The demonstrators went to the streets of Sulaimaniya and held sit-demonstrations in its central squares, demanding political reforms, fighting corruption and sending elements, who opened fire on demonstrators, to justice.   SKH (TI)/SR 465