Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Talk about cabinet with political majority, impractical, MP says

 BAGHDAD  / IraqiNews.com: The Legislature of al-Iraqiya Coalition, Shakir Kattab, has said on Sunday that that on the formation of a cabinet, with political majority, is utterly impractical, pointing out that the political process in Iraq is facing two choices, the third will be a ‘complete collapse.’ “The political process in Iraq is facing two challenges, the first is commitment to the Arbil Agreements and their implementation, the second re-elections, and if the situation continues on the same course as the current situation, the third choice will be the complete collapse of the political process, because talk about a government of political majority is entirely impractical,” Kattab told IraqiNews.com news agency on Sunday. The President of north Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani, has announced on 16/9/2010 an initiative to solve the political crisis in Iraq, caused by the delay of the formation of the cabinet, including the formation of an 8-12 member committee, representing different political blocs, to carry out talks to settle their pending differences and discuss the issue of the establishment of a government of national-partnership, as well as the settlement of the problem of the three Presidencies, the Presidency of the Republic, the Prime Minister and the Parliament’s Speaker. “The State of Law’s individual control of power and its non-implementation of Arbil Agreement, raised by Barzani, had caused the standing of the political process on one weak leg, that is why we are facing two issues – either to lean to our Arbil Agreements, to be implemented genuinely, sincerely or in a responsible means, or to face a collapse of the political process,” Kattab said. He said that that “the second problem is the repeating the elections, a thing that has interests and deficits, as the interest is that the political process would get rid of people, who came to power by chance, i.e. through forgery, bribery or gifts, leaving the decision for the Iraqi people, who would elect people, who really represent them, defend their interests, not their selfish commercial interests and their sectarian agendas.” As regards to possibility for the Parliament’s decision to withdraw its trust for Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki’s government and the assignment of a national personality to form the new government, Kattab said: “This is a practical, but difficult choice, because the current government was imposed by force and continued for one year, without being able to complete its cabinet.. So, how about if we want a new government with the existence of legislature, ministers and politicians, from the type that is currently available?” SKH (FT)/SR 569