Friday, September 20, 2024


Bin Laden’s killing expected, won’t have impacts on Iraq’s situation, Iraqi Spokesman says

BAGHDAD / The Official Spokesman for the Iraqi Government, Ali al-Dabbagh, has said on Monday that the killing of Usama Bin-Laden had been expected, because he had been behind a lot of bloodsheds, adding that his murder won’t have any impacts on the security situation in Iraq. “The end of Bin-Laden in the way that took place had been expected, because he had been a lot of bloodsheds, so he had died in a most horrible way, as a Divine punishment; and I don’t think Iraq shall witness any impacts for his murder,” Dabbagh told news agency. Dabbagh said: “Bin-Laden shall be an ignored piece of paper, because there are other new leaderships that appeared after his generation, that are more violent and bloody than Bin-Laden, such as Zarqawi, who was killed in Iraq and had been more bloody than him.” “Al-Qaeda’s evils are not less than Bin-Laden’s evils, because it is an organization that professes killings, considering it as part of its ideology and has to reconsider its attitudes after the end of Usama Bin-Laden, because such acts had lead for nothing but bloodsheds among innocent people and that there isn’t any necessity for their continuation,” he said. Dabbagh called on the young people, “who were deceived by Bin-Laden’s al-Jihad lie, must revise their attitudes and join the public life in their societies, away from professing the ideology of murder, destruction of states and societies.” “The new generation of al-Qaeda leaderships, that have a criminal past and had joined al-Qaeda, does not even believe in Bin-Laden’s acts, because they have another course of murder and destruction, and Bin-Laden’s murder won’t undermine our situation in Iraq,” Dabbagh said. “God’s judging in spreading justice and goodness, and not murder and destruction, with Bin-Laden’s line, being part of the extremist Wahaby Course, mastering murder is a great black mark in the life of Muslims, that must be taken care of by wise people, because the extremist sectarian line shall create one hundred new Bin-Ladens, in case of ignoring such trend,” Dabbagh added. Speaking about the impacts of Bin-Laden’s murder on the recent developments in a number of Arab states, after the escalation of popular protests, Dabbagh said: “We can’t consider Bin-Laden’s murder as an extension of changes that took place in a number of Arab states; that is way this theory can’t be practiced on Bin-Laden and linking of his death with the downfall of a number of Arab regimes.” “Usama Bin-Laden had committed a lot of evils and had had been chased, not only by the United States, but even by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; and this issue must be understood, because al-Qaeda has its own pyramid, for which it blindly follows its leaderships,” he stressed. Noteworthy is that a number of Arab and international mass media had published the speech of U.S. President, Barrack Obama, at dawn Monday, announcing the killing of al-Qaeda Leader, Usama Bin-Laden and his youngest son, in a special military operation, carried by the U.S. Army, in cooperation with the Pakistani government, in a housing compound close to Islam Abad, where his body was recognized and moved by the U.S. forces to Afghanistan, where it was thrown in the sea. SKH (FT)/SR 510