Saturday, September 21, 2024


President Talabani tells Obama on Bin-Laden’s killing, “Iraq is your ally in war on terror”

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s President Jalal Talabani has told his American Counterpart, Barrack Obama, on Monday that the world has gotten rid of the biggest “symbol of Evil,” Osama Bin-Laden, confirming that “Iraq is the ally of the United States in the war on terror.” “The world has gotten rid of the biggest symbol of evil, from a man that represented a symbol for hatred against human beings,” Talabani told Obama, in a letter, congratulating him on the killing of Bin-Laden. Talabani’s letter, a copy of which was received by news agency, said, “Our Iraqi people are your ally in the war on terror, and Bin-Laden’s killing has put an end to a criminal, who had harmed the Islam religion, the religion of forgiveness and love, killing thousands of innocent people of different religious, many of them Muslims.” “Bin-Laden’s killing has created happy feelings, not due to revenge, but because it had achieved justice and put an end to the roots of oppression,” Talabani said. “We are confident that the terrorist organizations, though being on their way for liquidation, they shall try to carry out revenge operations, necessitating further cooperation and coordination on the international level, to put a final end for terrorism,” Talabani concluded. SKH (TI)/SR 713