Sunday, September 22, 2024


Cell that killed 2 of Al-Masar TV Channel arrested

BAGHDAD / Two members of the armed cell that assassinated two of the Iraqi Al-Masar TV Channel’s workers have been arrested on Wednesday, the Official Spokesman of Baghdad Operations Command, Qassim Ata said.   The Iraqi Society for the Defense of Journalists Rights had announced on 8/4/2011 that a group of unknown armed men had assassinated the Director of a local TV Channel in an armed attack south of Baghdad .   Ata said that “the activity of al-Qaeda organization nowadays depends on cells with 4 to 5 members, who are led by the cell’s chief and are supplied by silencer-guns, handed over by a woman.”   “The delicate intelligence information points out that the said cell, using silencer-guns usually hands over their guns to another cell,” he said, adding that he would uncover important confessions by the armed groups that had attacked outstanding personalities.”   Ata reiterated that “the nature of the security activity is being concentrated nowadays on strict inspection and the setting up of mobile control points, along with the intelligent effort that had achieved positive results,” adding that “the main platform in fighting terrorism depends on the cooperation of citizens with the security forces to chase the terrorist cells.”   SKH (IT)   539