Monday, September 23, 2024


Alawi Criticizes Maliki, Stops Writing Letter

BAGHDAD / Head of al-Iraqiyah bloc Ayad Allawi said that the letter received from Premier Nouri Al-Maliki “has paragraphs with no truth and does not believe in national partnership.” In a return letter, copy received by, Alawi told Maliki that one of “your duties is to receive letters and comments form other political blocs, even if were harsh, which is better for the political process”. Alawi reminded Maliki of his struggle against the previous regime, standing against violence and demanding the Americans to release all detainees. He charged Maliki as “non-believer” in national partnership. Alawi stated that his bloc got the highest voting figures in the election “despite manipulations”. He stressed that he was “the first to initiate democracy in the country and supervising the first honest election. As regards Iranian opposition Mujahidi Khalq, Alawi criticized the way Maliki dealt with the case.   In conclusion, Alawi added that he will stop writing letters, but only will continue his statements and declarations in public . 869