Saturday, September 21, 2024


Delay in Fao Terminal implementation encouraged to opening alternate ports – Specialists

BASRA / Specialists  in ports administration and a politician agreed that the main reason for Kuwaiti attempt to build Mobarak Port opposite Iraqi water limits is the delay in building the Greater Fao Port, pointing out that the Kuwaiti project will damage Iraqi economy, affect maritime movement and the future of Iraqi water terminals.   Ex-governor of Basra Mohammed Musbih Al-Wa’ili said that “Kuwait is free to do whatever it likes on its territories to serve its interests, but the main problem with Kuwait is the demarcation of waters, particularly the territorial waters and the entrance of Um Qasr”.   He added that Iraq, after invading Kuwait, was obliged to submit great concessions. International justice was bias in determining its land and water limits, “though it is a technical problem more than any thing else.”   “To solve these problems, bilateral meetings should be held to determine the Thalwig line and the movement of the ships,” he pointed out.   He criticized the silence of the parliament and the government, questioning this silence, despite NGOs are exposing this on behalf of the government.   “There are many unresolved dossiers that should be solved in fields of water, oil and land,” he added.   On the other hand, maritime expert said that “the Kuwaiti plan for its port was initiated in 2005, following the statements made Mudhar Shawkat (the second man in the National Congress Party during the transitional period in Iraq) on the possibility of renting Bobyan Island to Iraq.   “This aroused a big problem in Kuwait that led to the initiation of the project, in addition to a bridge connecting the island with the main land”, he added.   He pointed out that this port will cover 80% of the commodities imported by Iraq, thus it will replace Iraqi terminals.   The expert, who declined from mentioning his name, added that Kuwait does not need this port, because it has a network of ports.   “Since its location in front of the Iraqi Fao port, the aim is to abort the Iraqi project and conduct some skirmishes with the Iraqi side,” he elaborated.   In addition, he pointed out that the start of work in the Kuwaiti port is the delay in the implementation of Iraqi port, which it was a suitable timing for Kuwaiti project.   He pin-pointed that the Iraqi government did not endorse border marks between the two countries, and did not join any of the committees formed by the UN Security Council on the subject, in addition to its rejection in three protest letters from Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1991 till 1993.   Media Director of Iraqi Ports Administration Anmar Al-Safi said that “any port to be built will strangle Iraqi ports.”   “The main reason is the delay of the Iraqi side in building the terminal, so it is necessary to expedite our efforts to start the work”, he added    He continued that the internal security and political situation were the main reasons for this delay.    The Greater Fao Terminal was corner stoned south of Basrah with expected costs of 4.6 billion Euros with a total capacity of 99 million tons per annum.   Iraqi officials stated that the work in the port shall commence in 2012 on two stages, each one will last for two years, where the port shall be connected by railway network with Turkey and Syria for commodities transport. RM (TI)/SR 630