Saturday, September 21, 2024


Hadba’ Bloc’s Crises Threaten Change of Political Map in Ninewa

NINEWA / Difference inside Hadba’ political Bloc with threaten its very existence that will lead to new alliances on the Ninawa political map , Ninawah Provincial Council’s sources said here today. Head of the Bloc, which gained the majority of the Council’s seats, criticized the work of the governor for not implementing his promises and taking sides with the Kurds on the account of Ninewa population. A Kurdish responsible denied these allegations. The source, who declined to be mentioned, told that Al-Hadba’ Bloc faces several problems as one entity. Many view points emerged among its members, mostly on the demonstrations that Ninewa governor took part in and fears of “having a political deal with the Kurds”. Head of Justice and Reform Movement (the biggest group in Hadba’ block) Abdullah Humaidi Al-Yawar told said that “the governor should fulfill his election promises, of most is the return of Kurdish Beishmarga to their bases, combating corruption, and provision of services”. “The Beishmarga are here, with the financial corruption and lack of services, though the province’ budget from Provincial Development reached to 300 million dollars”, he added.   Commenting on the new approach with the Kurds, he said there were agreements between the two sides in advance, otherwise, how the Kurds voted for Parliament Speaker Usama Nujaifi. This movement has 11 seats of Hadba’ bloc which reached to 19 seats in Ninewa Provincial Council. On the other hand Ninewa Province’s Media Secretary Ali Mahmoud announce that governor Etheel Nujaifi did not lead any demonstration, but due to blocking the road he went in front of the demonstrators to Al-Ahrar Square. He added that the demonstrators were protesting for the withdrawal of US forces, not against the army or the local government itself. He added about the promises made by the governor, that the province will be among the three main provinces which implemented its programmes within the 100-day period announced by Premier Nouri Al-Maliki for his central government and provinces. On the closer approach with the Kurds, he stated that there was a committee formed in Baghdad, but no positive results were achied. He denied any political agreement between the governor and the Kurdish side. On the expected future alliance if there is a division in Hadba’ bloc is made, well-informed sources expected ” an alliance between governor Etheel Nujaifi (5 seats) with Ninewa Block (12 seats), or may be have an alliance with the Islamic party (3 seats) which will give them the majority in the council which comprises of 37 seats. The source added that the results of political differences began to appear due to different statements and movements of the officials, including the conference held last Tuesday with the participation of political, tribal and civil personalities who demanded the resignation of the governor. A conference was held in Mosul where different personalities took part from Arab and Kurdish tribes, and NGOs who called for the resignation of the governor, forming an interim council, release the innocent detainees and the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq.   RM (TS)/SR 550