Monday, September 23, 2024


Iraqi President Talabani’s health stable, to returns to Sulaimaniya soon.

SULAIMANIYA / The health condition of Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani, is stable and he is carrying out medical checkups in the United States , and is expected to return back to Sulaimaniya, where he will attend a celebration on the anniversary of the foundation of his Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), a source close to President Talabani said on Saturday.   “President Talabani is not suffering from a serious disease and he is only carrying out normal medical checkups in the United States , to return back to Sulaimaniya before the end of this month, in order to attend celebrations on the 35 th anniversary of the establishment of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan,” the source told news agency.   The source said that “the reason for the President’s travel to the United States was to get treatment of a knee oats, that slightly hampers his ability to walk, but he does not suffer from high blood-pressure or diabetes.”   Another source, close to the Iraqi President, told that “the health condition of President Jalal Talabni is stable and he shall complete his normal medical checkups in the United States of America , within 2 or 3 days, and then head for Italy , to attend the celebrations on the National Day of the Italian Republic .”   “The reports, carried by some media sources, that spoke about the deterioration of President Talabani’s health condition, were incorrect,” the source said.   Noteworthy is that Iraqi President Jalal Talabani had left for the United States to carry out medical checkups, after assigning his Deputy, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, to carry out his Presidential duties, who had announced that President Talabani would offer some initiatives to push the political process forward.   SKH (RT)     1376