Monday, September 23, 2024


Decision to extend US forces belongs to government

BAGHDAD / Ahrar Bloc MP Ameer Al-Kinani said today that the decision to extend , or not to extend the stay of U.S. forces in Iraq belongs to the government, not to the parliament.  Kinani told that “the parliament has no relation to the extension of the U.S. forces because it belongs to the government, the body responsible for concluding agreements and accords, as well as drawing the foreign policy of the state.”  “With regards to the readiness of the Iraqi Armed Forces, this decision should come from the Chief Commander or ministers of interior and defence. We call to end the question of security ministers in order to have a complete report stating the preparedness of the security forces,” he elaborated.  Kinani said that “we believe that the security forces are capable of completing their duties, because their number reaches to one million personnel.” He pointed out that “continuing dependence on occupation forces is unjustifiable matter in Iraq. These calls for extension are made by parties financed by the United States.”   “There are no patriotic personalities that want to be occupied with lesser sovereignty,” Kinani confirmed.  RM (TS)/SR    631