Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Sit-in Before Baghdad Provincial Council

BAGHDAD / : An activist group decided to leave Tahreer Square and make a sit-in before Baghdad Provincial Council premises till four activists arrested today be released. The (Iraq Streets for Change) group was demonstrating for weeks in Tahreer Square. Today, Iraqi military force arrested today four demonstrations activist. One of its activists told that “the demonstration will continue in the square, at a time other demonstrators are pouring despite security blockade around the area, unlike early morning precaution where the security forces were limited”. He continued that checking points were posted in the streets leading to the square, searching people, confiscating recording and camera equipment, as well as cutting off the road leading to the Green Zone. The demonstrator pointed out that this Friday protest is called (Friday of Decision) to be a prelude to the 10 June demonstration which shall be called (Friday of Departure), that coincides with the end of the 100 days given by Premier Nouri Al-Maliki to governmental departments and provinces for better services. He added that the four arrested activists were preparing for a big demonstration on that date. RM (TS)/SR 901