Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Ex-British Premier Major delivers speech before Kurdish Parliament

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: Ex-British Premier John Major delivered a speech before the Kurdistan Parliament, the parliament’s official site reported today.  According to the site, ex-premier Major expressed his pride for the British role in supporting Iraqi Kurdistan.  “He expressed his admiration for the development taking place in the region regarding democracy, economy and security all over Iraq,” the site added.  Regarding the latest development in the Middle East and reforms in Kurdistan, he declared “our support of Iraq will not end due to the withdrawal of our forces. It is a long-term support.”  The Parliamentary session was attended by the British ambassador, the General Consul in Arbil and Kurdish government representative in Britain.  Mr. Major’s visit is upon invitation from Iraqi Kurdistan president Masoud Barzani. RM (TS)/SR 707