Friday, September 20, 2024


Policemen refuse to join federal police

THI QAR / Tens of policemen demonstrated before the Provincial Council protesting orders to join them with the Federal Police, calling to end their assignment in Baghdad which lasted for the last five months and return to their province.  Protestor Mohammed al-Asadi told that “they were sent to Baghdad to provide security at the timing of the Arab Summit, which was later postponed. The Interior Ministry refused our demands to return home, although our initial assignment was for two months only.”  “Now, the Ministry of Interior decided that we should join the Federal Police. This is in contrast to what he originally had volunteered to do,” he added.  Thi Qar suffers a lack in the number of security forces, and are in need of approximately an additional 5,000 personnel.  Thi Qar currently has an approximate total of 18,000 security forces. In addition to this, Thi Qar has one military brigade, associated with the Iraqi Army’s 10th Division, a division that also controls Missan and Muthanna provinces.  Supporting forces in the province total roughly 10,000 members.  Nasiroya, the center of Thi Qar Province, lies 380 km south of the capital, Baghdad. RM (TS)/SR 810