Friday, September 20, 2024


Kirkuk Arabs reject Kurdish calls for Article 140

KIRKUK / The Arab Political Council in Kirkuk rejected calls to “divide” Iraq, particularly Article 140 of the Constitution, which it described as “constitutionally terminated.”   In a statement, a copy of which was received by, the Council stated “it re-confirms previous stands against dividing Iraq.”  Head of Kurdish Parliament Kamal Kirkuki said in special interview with, commenting on the delay of implementing this article, “it should be implemented, otherwise the Kurdish people will resort to sit-ins similar to what has happened in Tunisia, Egypt, and Yemen.” Article 140 is one of the main pending questions between the central government and the Kurdish region during the last few years, because it tackles the question of the disputed areas , most important is oil-rich Kirkuk province.  Kirkuk  city lies 280 km north east the capital, Baghdad. RM (TI)/SR 1357