Monday, September 23, 2024


Main aim is to preserve achievements on Iraqi – Kurdistan levels – Talabani

SULAIMANIYA / The Secretary General of the National Kurdistani Party declared yesterday that the main national mission of the party is to preserve the achievements gained on Iraqi and Kurdistan levels, stressing the importance of dialogue and negotiations to solve all present problems.  In a speech on the 36 anniversary of the party’s foundation, he confirmed that the party supports dialogue and negotiation though his party and the Democratic party have the majority in the parliament and among the Kurdish people.  “Both parties do not want a political monopoly,” Talabani confirmed.  He reiterated that “the strategic alliance between the two main parties is the corner stone for unifying Kurdish people, and any agreement with the opposition will enhance this unity.”   Talabani expressed his hope that the coming meeting will lead to agreement among all parties for a reform programme.”  He pointed out that “this call for reconciliation is not a weakness, but from the heart to serve the Kurdish people.”  The party was established on 1 June 1975 in Syria following Algiers agreement held between Iraq and Iran. RM (TI)/SR 698