Saturday, September 21, 2024


Security forces prevent demonstration in Wassit

WASSIT / A member of the organizing committee of today’s demonstrations in Kut said that security forces prevented them from marching in the demonstration that will demand the withdrawal of U.S. forces on time, as well as improving the services. Jawad al-Saray told that “the demonstration was supposed to be after Friday’s Prayers, but the police informed the organizing committee that no permission had been granted.” On the other side, security sources informed that “no request was submitted for the demonstration.” “We will not object to peaceful demonstrations, provided the organizers pledge not to enter into chaos, as well as highlighting its start, and gathering location, in order to provide the security necessary for their protection”, the source added. Kut, the center of Wassit, lies 180 km  southeast of the capital, Baghdad. RM (TS)/SR 620