Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurdish Alliance won’t participate in campaign to question Maliki – MP

BAGHDAD / The Kurdish Alliance will not participate in the signatures campaign to question Premier Nouri al-Maliki in an open parliamentary session.   Kurdish MP Mahmoud Othman told that his Alliance “will try to resolve the problems between al-Iraqiya and the National Alliance, although questioning the prime minister or other ministers is a right stipulated by the constitution for the parliamentary members.”   Al-Iraqiya MP Haidar al-Mulla said in press statement yesterday (Sunday) that Ayad Allawi, head of al-Iraqiya bloc, in his capacity as a member of parliament, intends to question Premier Maliki today (Monday) regarding the violence inflicted on the demonstrators of last Friday (10 June, 2011) and the corruption in governmental establishments, in addition to continued security breaches.   Al-Iraqiya spokeswoman Maysoun al-Damalouji announced today to that her bloc has the intention to collect 25 MP signatures  to question Premier Maliki.  “The Alliance has no objection to questioning Premier Maliki, provided it should take place within the constitutional context. But if this is political questioning, there will be a constitutional objection to such a move,” National Alliance MP Khalid al-Asadi said to today.   Article 56, Chapter 10, of the parliamentary statute approves such questioning to evaluate their work, within their competence.   President Jalal Talabani, through the use of his contacts, is trying to put an end to the current crisis, which shall be a continuation to the initiative made by Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, al-Asadi noted.   Barzani submitted his initiative on 16 September 2010 to form a 8-12 member committee to being discussions to resolve pending differences in order to form a national partnership government. RM (TR)/SR 748