Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraq signs MOU with Ukraine’s Chamber of Trade & Industry

BAGHDAD / Iraq ’s Chamber of Trade has signed a Memo of Understanding (MOU) with Ukraine ’s Chamber of Trade & Industry in Kiev , an Iraqi Embassy statement reported on Thursday.   “ Iraq ’s Ambassador in the Ukraine , Shorish Khalid Saeed, has attended the signing of an MOU between the Iraqi Chamber of Commerce and Ukraine ’s Chamber of Trade & Industry in Kiev ,” the statement, issued by the Embassy’s Media Section pointed out.   It added that the Chairman of the Iraqi Chamber of Commerce, Jaafar Rasoul al-Hamdany, signed the MOU for the Iraqi side and his Ukrainian Counterpart, Victor Panovsky, for the Ukrainian side, stressing that the occasion was attended by representatives of 39 Ukrainian companies in different fields, including oil, gas, minerals, building and reconstruction, and Foodstuff, along with Iraq, Arab and Ukrainian businessmen.   Iraq’s Ambassador to Kiev said in a speech he delivered at the opening of the Iraqi-Ukrainian Club, expressing Iraq’s true wish to establish extensive economic and trade relations with the Ukraine and hoping that “the Ukrainian companies would actively share in the field of business and investment in Iraq, taking into consideration the fact that resources, technical potentials and willingness exist in both countries.”   SKH (IT) 637