Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Moon Eclipse noticed in Iraq, people praying on occasion

KARBALA / IraqiNews.com: Voices of southern Iraq’s holy city of Karbala’s mosques and Huseiniyas (Shiite mosques), as well as those of Baghdad, Arbil and other Iraqi cities, were heard during the Moon Eclipse on Wednesday night, whilst citizens appealed for God Almighty to “save Iraq from hatred and animosities.”   “Hundreds of Karbala citizens headed during the early evening hours of Wednesday towards the Mosques of Imam Hussein and his Brother Abbas, the Grandsons of Prophet Mohammed, to read the Holy Quran verses and listen to the religious lectures by preachers on the occasion of the Moon Eclipse,” Karbala citizen, Ahmed al-Assadi told IraqiNews.com news agency.   “We, in Iraq, have added new appeals on this occasion for Allah Almighty to wash the hearts of politicians and clean them from hatred, animosities and distrust,” Assadi said, “considering the occasion as one that Iraqis hope would unite the hearts of their politicians, in order to help them hear on (Thursday) morning statements that ease up the hearts of Iraqis.”   In Baghdad , the preachers of mosques and Huseiniyas, called on citizens to pray and read Quran verses on the occasion of the Moon Eclipse.   IraqiNews.com Correspondent, who toured several Baghdad districts on Wednesday night, said that most mosques and Husseiniyas have called for prayers during the Moon Eclipse, whilst people stood over the roofs of their houses, to watch the phenomena.   The Moon Eclipse was noticed in different parts of Iraq, after 09:00 pm local time (06:00 pm GMT), that continued for about 1.5 hours, considered the longest Eclipse recorded for the first time in 100 years.   The Moon Eclipse takes place when the moon light or part of it disappears at night, during the entrance of the Earth between the sun and the moon, whilst the Sun Eclipse takes place when the sun light or part of it disappears during the entrance of the moon between the sun and the earth.   SKH (RT)